
Evangelization and Faith


Mobile Evangelization 


Sr. Rani Joseph very actively does the mobile Evangelization and proclaims Jesus to the people who have not known about Jesus. She conducts"Philip Course" and meditations in the schools, formees etc. She moves courageously from place to place and person to person to speak about Jesus.


Collaboration with the other Evangelization Centres


Our sisters are ministering in the Evangelization Centers such as Divine Ashram Faridabad & Tabour at Kalyan, Matridham Ashram Varanasi, Shantidham Ashram Varanasi, Divine retreat centre Khetri, Assam, etc. Since 1999 onwards we have extended our help for counseling, taking classes and other ministries in such centers. 

Round the clock Adoration, proclamation of the Word of God and conducting Conventions are the specialties of the Shanti Dham Ashram and Matridham Ashram. Sr. Annie, Sr. Jolly and Sr. Lissy Maria of Shantidham Ashram conduct retreats within the Congregation, for sisters, formees and parishioners of different dioceses with the collaboration of other teams. Sisters of Shatidham pray with Kristu Bhaktas and draw them closer to Jesus in order to make them disciples of Christ. Sr. Celine proclaims Jesus with the team members of divine retreat center at Faridabad on every Saturday. Sr. Hugo serves Divine Ashram Tabore in all the possible way she could. Sr. Jissila is with great zeal proclaiming Jesus at Divine retreat centre Khetri, Assam, after serving many years in Tabor Ashram, Kalyan. 


Evangelization in Prison Ministry


Our Sisters at Noida, New Tehri, Mathura, Chamkeri and Etah visit the local jails regularly, conduct prayer services and give entertainment programmes for the prisoners. Our school children put up programmes in the Jail at Christmas time to impart mystery of Incarnation. The inmates as well as the Jail authorities really appreciate our selfless and dedicated service to those brethren behind the bars. Sr. Celine regularly visits the Tihar Jail thrice a week. She takes class for the inmates. Sr. Rosanto is rendering a selfless service for the women section by giving counseling in the police booth. And there is a wonderful change in the people who fight in the court. People get the spirit of reconciliation and it helps them to cancel the case in the court.


Evangelization in our mission stations


At Koln, Germany the main work is the Old Age Home. Apart from this they help in the parish church to distribute Holy Communion and also bring Holy Communion to the bed ridden people and conduct communion service at their bed side. They visit them when they are hospitalized. They arrange Priests for the Last sacrament and spend time with them at their death bed, in and out of their duty time. They also find time to go for the funeral when they die. The sisters are very active in the Koln Parish as they conduct prayer meetings for Women along with the Mothers' Association. They assist in conducting Charismatic retreats for the Malayalees there and they do visit the houses of their parish. They conduct Night vigil once a month (10 pm- 5 am) on first Friday.

Evangelization and Faith

Mobile Evangelization 


Our sisters are engaged in the Apostolat

Healing Ministry

We are the active and humble instruments

Social Service

The Social Work department of San Damian


San Damiano Convent, Cologne, Germany

New Ventures and Challenging Ministries

Cycle Rickshaw Pullers Associati